
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Update on how my work is going...

Hey guys, well.. my work is going good. I have a new artist model called David Hillard, who is very similar to one of my artist models Edweard Muybridge. So, I will be focusing on Hillard's work in my next photo shot which should be happening sometime these school holidays.

I am having a really hard time trying to incorporate Barbara Kruger into my work somehow. I do like how she takes the photos but the captions seem to not work into my photography. So I'm going to scarp the idea of using her for now, but might end up using her later on in my work in the year.

Now the important message: So, the whole family violence thing is starting to take a turn for the worse. It seems to be really hard to accomplish..

My photography teacher came up with an idea. Seeing that my mum used to be a model when she was my age, why not do the idea of change over time but backwards (if that makes any sense). Ill start using my mum as she is now, a busy mum with two kids who then models.. pretty much like someone who has the best of both worlds.

So yea, that's my plan... if it doesn't work out then ill just have to go back to plan A.

Artist model - David Hilliard

David Hilliard is a fine arts photographer that mainly works with panoramic photographs. He draws inspiration from his personal life and those around him for his subject matter. Many of the scenes are staged, evoking a performative quality, a middle ground between fact and fiction.

His work relates back to one of my artist models Edwaerd Muybridge. Buy he does it differently but taking photos of the same setting but looking at different aspects in his pictures.

I really like his work and I'm going to concentrate on his kind of style in my next photo shot.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Last week of term.. Heres what I have done

Well, this is the last week of term 1 and overall I am pretty happy with all the work I have done. I have finished half of panel one and have almost done some planning for panel 3 which I shouldn't be doing but anyway. So yea, I am going to try and take some photos in the school holidays and I am still going to keep with the whole person kind of thing with blurring out the background. I am also wanting to find more artist models and try to figure out how I am going to try and develop from the work I have already done. I will try to post throughout the two weeks I am away.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

My first half of panel one DONE!

The first half of panel one is finished! and it has turned out pretty good. With these photos I did not do much editing because I wanted to keep the natural lighting so all I really changed was the contrast to make it look more OUT there. 

My next step: Planning what I am going to do for the last half of panel one and also need to do some more research for artist models.