The other day I came up with some idea's on what I want to do in panel two and how its going to be layed out and this is what I came up with...
I have deiced to introduce myself into my work as a reflection of my mum's younger years. I also thought it would be alittle easier to do as well seeing that my mum is a pretty busy person, so that means taking photo's shouldn't be a problem. Taking the photos of myself will be a bit of a mission so a tripod will be needed to be able to take them.
The first row will be moving from my mums face to mind. The middle photo will be spilt, half my mum and half me. This will be close up shots and showing different emotions.
The second row is going to be interesting, at home I has this red vintage-looking certain which I thought would look amazing in my work. The frist two photos will be of my mum and the last two me and a long shot will be used. The rest of the photos concise of mid and long shots in my long hallway I have at home. The photos at the bottom will be a panning shot. Seeing my mums room is right beside mine im going to pan from hers to mine, which should be interesting. Seeing panel three is going to be in black and white, panel two is going to slowly go from a bright contrast to black and white.